There are roughly 13,000 apartments for rent in Burnaby. This number does not include individual condos, houses or basement suites for rent owned by private landlords.
Burnaby apartments for rent can be found throughout the city. With thousands of buildings to choose from in nearly every neighborhood, like most other Lower Mainland cities, selecting an apartment in Burnaby will really come down to location and budget. For example, if you want to be near the Simon Fraser University, look along University High Street or Hastings Street. You will also find some buildings on Halifax Street. Many SFU students also look to rent houses, townhouses and basement suites rather than apartments.
If you want to live near the largest mall in British Columbia, look for an apartment near Metropolis at Metrotown in and around Hazel Street, Newton Street, Bonsor Avenue, Silver Avenue or Willingdon Avenue.
Finding an apartment in Burnaby to your liking is possible given the inventory and current vacancy rate. New purpose built rental housing along with some renters moving into home ownership is putting pressure on older apartments and is partly responsible for rising vacancy rates.
Burnaby Rental Rates
Burnaby is one of the more expensive cities in Canada to rent in. Like most cities however, quality, location and size will play a big role in determining exactly what the rent will be. If cost is a concern, try expanding your search area slightly to take advantage of possible better rents. The key is to be patient with your apartment search and something will come up. The vacancy rate in Burnaby is at about 3.4% which means you should be able to find an apartment however you may find that many buildings will be full.