The kitchen can have a cave like appearance if the kitchen cabinets have dark colors in which case all the light will be soaked. A brighter set of cabinet does not always imply replacing the older sets with the new cabinet boxes. The cabinets can be painted suitably and cleaned well if the frames of the cabinet doors still retain a good structure.

The kitchen can be made to undergo a drastic transformation in its overall appeal over a weekend. A strong cleaner along with a paintbrush, sandpaper and a little quantity of elbow grease are some of the materials essential for the kitchen makeover. Besides, giving your kitchen the desired overall look does not incur much of an expense.

Painted Kitchen Cabinets and The Required Painting Materials

Painting kitchen cabinets is very similar to any other type of painting. It is critical to prepare the cabinet surfaces for painting before beginning the process. Sanding and cleaning are required prior to painting. All of the cabinet parts have been thoroughly primed to ensure that the finishing color adheres to the surface. Proper cleaning aids in the removal of cooking splatters and greasy fingerprints that would otherwise interfere with the adhesive paint.

Painted Kitchen Cabinets - Digytalia

If the cabinets are too dirty or the accumulation of the grime layer is thick enough to be removed by just one coating, the degreaser may require multiple coats. Of course, the type of degreaser you use makes a difference. In order to achieve the best results, it is recommended that you use the best degreaser for kitchen cabinets rather than some low-cost alternatives. Following that, the surface is roughed up with 100 grit sandpaper. The finish is largely determined by how well the primer is applied. To give the surface a glassy appearance, a ‘high build’ sandable primer is used. Smoothing the surface before applying the finish coat necessitates careful sanding.

To maintain the flat paint levels of drawers and doors, a drying rack supported by a prong is made after screwing into scrap wood pieces. The cup hooks are screwed into the drawer edges so that they can be moved around without scratching the paint. The finished paints that have been specially formulated add to the overall appearance of kitchen cabinets.

Oil-based paints are generally preferred for traditional cabinet painting, despite the fact that oil painting fumes can be toxic at times. Latex paints can be used as well. Acrylic paints that are 100 percent acrylic produce a flawless finish and are generally more durable. Acrylic paints are less volatile in terms of organic compounds than VOCs, which causes an obnoxious paint odor in some cases.

Adding The ‘Wow’ Component

After all, it’s pointless to go to the trouble of giving your kitchen a complete makeover if it’s not a pleasant place to be in. Kitchen cabinet painting is necessary to improve the kitchen’s aesthetic value. To get that extra ‘wow’ compliment, consider applying a faux finish and changing the hardware.

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