Dysfunctional sales behavior is a major roadblock to achieving optimum sales results for any company. Experts who conduct psychological assessment and psychometric analysis in the field of occupational testing agree that certain specific sales behavior affects effective performance in sales jobs. Pre employment testing is an important requisite that seeks evaluation of abilities of sales personnel before they come on board in any company.

Pre employment testing involves a range of honesty and integrity tests as well as measuring career competency. It also caters to clinically oriented psychological profile tests and assessments that are essentially diagnostic in nature.

Pre-Employment Assessment stresses on evaluating all four parameters of sales performance, namely ability to think, planning ahead, motivation and interpersonal skill – all that necessitate successful deal closure. In particular, pre employment testing brings to surface typical personal efficacies that have potential to disturb sales potential of a company. Some examples are as under:

1. Many salespeople prefer hierarchy-less environment, looking for freedom and spontaneity to work as they like. While this may appear as a boon in some cases, more often however quite the opposite happens in terms of missing deadlines, delay in order processing, etc. Pre employment testing seeks to address this issue early on.

Pre-Hire Sales Assessment - Digytalia

2. In an effort to impress or win over clients, salespeople suffer from talking too much or interjecting customers every now and then. A proven way to counter salesperson’s deficiency such as this is to let him undergo pre employment testing.

3. Looking for feel-good relationship in all sales transactions is another worry. Though this does help in luring customers to an extent, it overlooks the fact that customers do not judge a product or service merely on the basis of friendly behavior on the part of salesperson. Pre employment testing screens out this problem.

4. Veteran and not-so-veteran salespersons hopping from company to company assume that no sales is beyond them. They care less about the product or service being offered, emphasizing instead on personal charisma. This know-all attitude makes them vulnerable to unanticipated questions and deep probing by prospects. Pre employment testing helps redress this problem.

If encountering dysfunctional sales behavior indeed seems daunting, the good news is that help is not far away. Maki company is an acknowledged world standard for best practice Pre-Employment Assessment. Its revolutionary sales diagnostic tests provide the advanced thought and practice leadership others look to and use, including even some biggest competitors.

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